Winners of the 2019 Runciman Award


Two joint winners, four others short-listed and highly commended

The Runciman judges met on 1 May to assess the field of 51 books submitted for the Runciman Award this year. They arrived at a short list of six books from which they chose two joint winners. The £9,000 award, sponsored by Elias Paraskevas Attorneys1933, will be shared between: –

Time and its Adversaries in the Seleucid Empire
Paul J Kosmin
Belknap Press of Harvard

The Transformation of Athens
Robin Osborne
Princeton University Press

Also on the short list were the following four books which the judges commended highly: –

The Gardens of Corfu
Rachel Weaving with Marianne Majerus

The Excerpta Constantiniana and the Byzantine Appropriation of the Past
Andras Németh

The Best of the Grammarians
Francesca Schironi
University of Michigan Press

Hesiod – Works and Days
A E Stallings (trans.)
Penguin Classics

In a departure from past practice, the Anglo-Hellenic League is making this announcement ahead of the award ceremony, which (as previously announced) will be held at the Hellenic Centre, 16-18 Paddington Street, London W1U 5AS on Thursday 13 June.

The focus of this year’s event will be on the books and authors. The authors of the books listed have all been invited to join us, and the winners are being asked to speak about their books. Everyone attending will have the opportunity to meet and talk with the authors, and the judges, during a reception which will follow the formal proceedings. Copies of the books will be on sale.

All our members, supporters and others with an interest are welcome to attend on 13 June. Proceedings will start at 7.00 pm. Please send your names in advance by email to   For further information visit our website specific to the book award, , where fuller information about the books will be posted between now and the award ceremony.


The Runciman Award, named after Sir Steven Runciman, author and former chairman of the Anglo-Hellenic League, was first awarded in 1986. Sponsored now by the law firm Elias Paraskevas Attorneys 1933, it is awarded by the Anglo-Hellenic League on the advice of a panel of independent judges. The aim of the award is to celebrate the finest new books written in English on Greek history and culture from the earliest times to the present, to reward good accessible writing (which Runciman’s works exemplified) and to promote wider knowledge of Greece’s contribution to civilisation and values.


The award judges for 2019 are:-

Dr Dionysis Kapsalis, Cultural Foundation of the National Bank of Greece (panel chairman)
Professor Peter Frankopan, Worcester College, Oxford
Professor Judith Mossman, Coventry University
Dr Naoise Mac Sweeney, Leicester University.


The Anglo-Hellenic League was founded in 1913 and is dedicated to friendship and understanding between the UK and Greece. For further information about the League and how to join, visit with related Facebook and Twitter references. More information about the judges and previous winners is on the website . Further enquiries to the award administrator Richard Carden


For latest news and updates please ‘Like’ our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @RuncimanAward.


The Anglo-Hellenic League

(Registered Charity No. 278892)
The Hellenic Centre, 16/18 Paddington Street, London W1U 5AS
President and Chief Patron HRH Prince Michael of Kent GCVO
Joint Patrons HE The Greek Ambassador to the Court of St James’s
HBM Ambassador to Greece
Chairman Mr John Kittmer


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